We invite you to become a part of the Society of Colorectal Surgeons (Singapore) and gain access to a wealth of knowledge and invitation to our events. All memberships are valid for one year from 1 January - 31 December.
Membership types:
Full Membership - S$50 entrance fee + S$100 annual subscription
Full membership is open to registered medical practitioners who hold a recognised higher qualification in Surgery for 3 years and who have spent and approved period of specialist training in a recognised Colorectal Centre. In addition, they must have at least 50% of their practice confines to Colorectal Surgery.
Associate Member
Associate membership is open to those registered medical practitioners who hold a recognised higher qualification in Surgery with an interest in Colorectal Surgery or who are from other medical specialties such as Pathologists or Gastroenterologist with special interest in Colorectal Disease.
Affiliate Member
Affiliate Membership is open to:
i) State registered or state controlled nurses who are currently employed in a colorectal occupation OR
ii) University graduates with a recognized degree in Sciences and with an interest in Colorectal Disease
may apply to convert his or her existing membership into Absent Membership.
Applications are subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.